

Invoke an Azure DevOps REST API.

Table of Contents

  1. Syntax
  2. Description
  3. Examples
  4. Parameters
  5. Related Links


    [-Path] <string>
    [-QueryParameters <Hashtable>]
    [-AdditionalHeaders <Hashtable>]
    [-ApiVersion <string>]
    [-Body <string>]
    [-Collection <object>]
    [-Destination <string>]
    [-Method <string>]
    [-Project <object>]
    [-RequestContentType <string>]
    [-ResponseContentType <string>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-Team <object>]
    [-UseHost <string>]

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Invoke-TfsRestApi can automatically parse an example URL from and replace its various tokens (such as {organization}, {project} and {team}) as long as collection / project / team information are available via either the their respective arguments in this command or the corresponding Connect-Tfs* cmdlet. HTTP method and API version are also automatically extracted from the supplied example, when available.

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Example 1

Calls a REST API that lists all team projects in a TFS collection named DefaultCollection

PS> Invoke-TfsRestApi -Method GET -Path /_apis/projects -ApiVersion 4.1 -Collection DefaultCollection

Example 2

Calls the API described by an example extracted from the web site. HTTP method, host name and API version are all set based on the supplied values; Tokens {organization}, {project} and {team} are properly replaced with the corresponding values provided by the current connection context (via previous calls to Connect-TfsTeamProjectCollection, Connect-TfsTeamProject and/or Connect-TfsTeam).

PS> Invoke-TfsRestApi 'GET{organization}/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensions?api-version=5.1-preview.1'

Example 3

Calls an API in a TFS instance, parsing the example provided by the web site.

PS> Invoke-TfsRestApi 'GET https://{instance}/{collection}/_apis/process/processes?api-version=4.1' -Collection http://vsalm:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection



Specifies a hashtable with additional HTTP headers to send to the API endpoint.

Type Hashtable
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the desired API version. When omitted, defaults to “4.1”.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value 4.1
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Returns the System.Threading.Tasks.Task object used to issue the asynchronous call to the API. The caller is responsible for finishing the asynchronous call by e.g. accessing the Result property.

Type SwitchParameter
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-Body (Aliases: Content)

Specifies the request body to send to the API endpoint. Tipically contains the JSON payload required by the API.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-Collection (Aliases: Organization)

Specifies the URL to the Team Project Collection or Azure DevOps Organization to connect to, a TfsTeamProjectCollection object (Windows PowerShell only), or a VssConnection object. You can also connect to an Azure DevOps Services organizations by simply providing its name instead of the full URL. For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsTeamProjectCollection (if any).

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Saves the API response to a file. If omitted, the response will be written to the stardard output stream.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the HTTP method to call the API endpoint. When omitted, defaults to “GET”.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value GET
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Prevents the automatic expansion (unwrapping) of the ‘value’ property in the response JSON.

Type SwitchParameter
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the path of the REST API to call. Tipically it is the portion of the URL after the name of the collection/organization, i.e. in the URL{organization}/_apis/projects?api-version=5.1 the path is “/_apis/projects”.

Type string
Position 0
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the name of the Team Project, its ID (a GUID), or a Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Core.WebApi.TeamProject object to connect to. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any). For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-QueryParameters (Aliases: Parameters)

Specifies a hashtable with additional query parameters to send to the API endpoint.

Type Hashtable
Position 1
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Returns the API response as an unparsed string. If omitted, JSON responses will be parsed, converted and returned as objects (via ConvertFrom-Json).

Type SwitchParameter
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the request body content type to send to the API. When omitted, defaults to “application/json”.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value application/json
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the response body content type returned by the API. When omitted, defaults to “application/json”.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value application/json
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the URL to the Team Foundation Server to connect to, a TfsConfigurationServer object (Windows PowerShell only), or a VssConnection object. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsConfiguration (if any). For more details, see the Get-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the name of the Team, its ID (a GUID), or a Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Core.WebApi.WebApiTeam object to connect to. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsTeam (if any). For more details, see the Get-TfsTeam cmdlet.

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies an alternate host name for APIs not hosted in “”, e.g. “” or “”.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False