

Detaches a team project collection database from a Team Foundation Server installation.

Table of Contents

  1. Syntax
  2. Description
  3. Examples
  4. Parameters
  5. Inputs
  6. Outputs
  7. Related Links


    [-Collection] <object>
    [-Reason <string>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-Timeout <TimeSpan>]

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Before you move a collection, you must first detach it from the deployment of TFS on which it is running. It’s very important that you do not skip this step. When you detach a collection, all jobs and services are stopped, and then the collection database is stopped. In addition, the detach process copies over the collection-specific data from the configuration database and saves it as part of the team project collection database. This configuration data is what allows the collection database to be attached to a different deployment of TFS. If that data is not present, you cannot attach the collection to any deployment of TFS except the one from which it originated. If detachment succeeds, this cmdlets returns the original database connection string. It is required to re-attach the collection to TFS.

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Example 1

Detaches the project collection specified by the URL provided in the Collection argument, defining a Maintenance Message to be shown to users when they try to connect to that collection while it is detached

PS> Dismount-TfsTeamProjectCollection -Collection http://vsalm:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection -Reason "Collection DefaultCollecton is down for maintenance"



Specifies the collection to detach.

Type object
Position 0
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input True (byvalue)
Accept wildcard characters False


Speficies a Servicing Message (optional), to provide a message for users who might try to connect to projects in this collection while it is offline.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the URL to the Team Foundation Server to connect to, a TfsConfigurationServer object (Windows PowerShell only), or a VssConnection object. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsConfiguration (if any). For more details, see the Get-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the maximum period of time this cmdlet should wait for the detach procedure to complete. By default, it waits indefinitely until the collection servicing completes.

Type TimeSpan
Position (Named)
Default Value 10675199.02:48:05.4775807
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False



Specifies the collection to detach.

