

Gets the contents of one or more work items.

Table of Contents

  1. Syntax
  2. Parameters
  3. Inputs
  4. Outputs
  5. Related Links


Query by revision

    [-WorkItem] <object>
    [-Collection <object>]
    [-Fields <string[]>]
    [-Project <object>]
    [-Revision <int>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-Team <object>]

Query by date

    [-WorkItem] <object>
    -AsOf <DateTime>
    [-Collection <object>]
    [-Fields <string[]>]
    [-Project <object>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-Team <object>]

Get deleted

    [-WorkItem <object>]
    [-Collection <object>]
    [-Fields <string[]>]
    [-Project <object>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-Team <object>]

Simple query

    [-AreaPath <string>]
    [-AsOf <DateTime>]
    [-BoardColumn <string[]>]
    [-BoardColumnDone <bool>]
    [-ChangedBy <object>]
    [-ChangedDate <DateTime[]>]
    [-Collection <object>]
    [-CreatedBy <object[]>]
    [-CreatedDate <DateTime[]>]
    [-Description <string[]>]
    [-Fields <string[]>]
    [-IterationPath <string>]
    [-Priority <int[]>]
    [-Project <object>]
    [-Reason <string[]>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-State <string[]>]
    [-StateChangeDate <DateTime[]>]
    [-Tags <string[]>]
    [-Team <object>]
    [-Title <string[]>]
    [-ValueArea <string[]>]
    [-WorkItemType <string[]>]

Query by WIQL

    -Wiql <string>
    [-Collection <object>]
    [-Fields <string[]>]
    [-Project <object>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-Team <object>]

Query by saved query

    -SavedQuery <string>
    [-Collection <object>]
    [-Fields <string[]>]
    [-Project <object>]
    [-QueryParameters <Hashtable>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-Team <object>]

Query by filter

    -Where <string>
    [-Collection <object>]
    [-Fields <string[]>]
    [-Project <object>]
    [-Server <object>]
    [-Team <object>]

[Go to top]



Specifies the area path to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Returns the field values as they were defined in the work item revision that was the latest revision by the date specified.

Type DateTime
Position (Named)
Default Value 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the board column to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies whether the work item is in the sub-column Doing or Done in a board.

Type bool
Position (Named)
Default Value False
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the name or email of the user that did the latest change to the work item.

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the date of the latest change to the work item.

Type DateTime[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-Collection (Aliases: Organization)

Specifies the URL to the Team Project Collection or Azure DevOps Organization to connect to, a TfsTeamProjectCollection object (Windows PowerShell only), or a VssConnection object. You can also connect to an Azure DevOps Services organizations by simply providing its name instead of the full URL. For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsTeamProjectCollection (if any).

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the name or email of the user that created the work item.

Type object[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the date when the work item was created.

Type DateTime[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Gets deleted work items.

Type SwitchParameter
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the description to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-Ever (Aliases: WasEver)

Switches the query to historical query mode, by changing operators to “WAS EVER” where possible.

Type SwitchParameter
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies which fields should be retrieved. When omitted, defaults to a set of standard fields that include Id, Title, Description, some state-related fields and more. To retrive all fields, pass an asterisk (‘*’) to this argument.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value System.AreaPath, System.TeamProject, System.IterationPath, System.WorkItemType, System.State, System.Reason, System.CreatedDate, System.CreatedBy, System.ChangedDate, System.ChangedBy, System.CommentCount, System.Title, System.BoardColumn, System.BoardColumnDone, Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate, Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority, Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea, System.Description, System.Tags
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Gets information about all links and attachments in the work item. When omitted, only fields are retrieved.

Type SwitchParameter
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the iteration path to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the priority of the work item.

Type int[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the name of the Team Project, its ID (a GUID), or a Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Core.WebApi.TeamProject object to connect to. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any). For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the path of a saved query to be executed.

Type Hashtable
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the reason (field ‘System.Reason’) to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-Revision (Aliases: rev)

B Specifies a work item revision number to retrieve. When omitted, returns the latest revision of the work item.

Type int
Position (Named)
Default Value 0
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-SavedQuery (Aliases: QueryPath)

Specifies the path of a saved query to be executed.

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the URL to the Team Foundation Server to connect to, a TfsConfigurationServer object (Windows PowerShell only), or a VssConnection object. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsConfiguration (if any). For more details, see the Get-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Opens the specified work item in the default web browser.

Type SwitchParameter
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the state (field ‘System.State’) to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the date of the most recent change to the state of the work item.

Type DateTime[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the tags to look up for in a work item. When multiple tags are supplied, they are combined with an OR operator - in other works, returns work items that contain ANY ofthe supplied tags.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the name of the Team, its ID (a GUID), or a Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Core.WebApi.WebApiTeam object to connect to. When omitted, it defaults to the connection set by Connect-TfsTeam (if any). For more details, see the Get-TfsTeam cmdlet.

Type object
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Fetches work items in “time-precision mode”: search criteria in WIQL queries take into account time information as well, not only dates.

Type SwitchParameter
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the title to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported. When a wildcard is used, matches a portion of the title (uses the operator “contains” in the WIQL query). Otherwise, matches the whole field with the operator “=”, unless -Ever is also specified. In that case, uses the operator “was ever”.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies the Value Area (field ‘Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea’) to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False


Specifies a filter clause (the portion of a WIQL query after the WHERE keyword).

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-Wiql (Aliases: Query, QueryText)

Specifies a query written in WIQL (Work Item Query Language)

Type string
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False

-WorkItem (Aliases: id)

Specifies a work item. Valid values are the work item ID or an instance of Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.Models.WorkItem.

Type object
Position 0
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input True (byvalue)
Accept wildcard characters False

-WorkItemType (Aliases: Type)

Specifies the work item type to look up for in a work item. Wildcards are supported.

Type string[]
Position (Named)
Default Value (N/A)
Accept pipeline input False
Accept wildcard characters False



Specifies a work item. Valid values are the work item ID or an instance of Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.Models.WorkItem.

